Brand is Your

Start Designing Yours Using the Simple System that Empowers you to Present Yourself Authentically and Consistently.

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Your personal brand exists, whether you've deliberately constructed it
or not.

It's the collective impression you consistently convey to the world, influencing how you're perceived—both personally and professionally. And its importance is immense.

Whether you are a seasoned professional, an aspiring entrepreneur, or simply someone striving to leave their mark on the world, your distinct essence and experiences are your greatest assets.

Given these are communicated visually in sometimes subtle and symbolic ways, it’s essential to invest in curating your authentic aesthetic, and leverage it consistently to become the most visible, credible and influential version of yourself.

many overlook
the power of presenting
themselves consistently,
diminishing their
and impact.

This leads many to miss out on the momentum that comes from presenting themselves in a uniform and cohesive way, inadvertently reducing their effectiveness and impact in both tangible and intangible ways, including:

  • Surrendering control over how you're perceived, letting external factors shape your reputation instead of being intentional with your messaging and positioning.

  • Reduced influence, that leaves you struggling to sway others, gain their trust, or motivate action.

  • Inconsistent image, causing confusion among peers, clients, and employers about your identity, values, strengths and contributions.

  • Missed networking opportunities, failing to engage actively with your industry or community, online and offline, potentially hindering professional connections, mentorship, and support.

  • Feeling unsure about your aesthetic causing you to play small or hide and leading to being overlooked and undervalued.

  • Struggling to know where to start, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and without the clarity needed to present an aligned and authentic identity.

Ready to Curate
Your Aesthetic and Ensure
Your Identity is Authentic
and Consistent?

The Seeing Me Method, developed by Speaker, Author, and Designer Ushi Patel, kickstarts the building of your personal brand through a simple yet impactful process to identify your personal brand aesthetic.

Enriched by her nearly three decades of personal brand design experience, this method provides a step-by-step guide to help you achieve clarity across the five foundational elements of your unique brand: color, edge, context, audience, and style.

Once curated in your Seeing Me Board, these elements form the foundation of your cohesive personal brand and become the primary reference point to ensure you’re presenting yourself consistently.

Completing the Seeing Me Method allows you to:

  • Establish Your Brand Foundation: Set the tone for all your creative assets, creating clarity and direction for your personal brand to grow and evolve from.

  • Refine Your Personal Style: Elevate your image to reflect who you are and match the value you offer— in virtual meetings, at networking events, or on social media.

  • Show Up with Consistency: Create a memorable impression by ensuring you regularly present yourself in alignment with your authentic style and distinct essence.

  • Boost Your Confidence: Increase your confidence as you consistently communicate intentionally and authentically.

  • Plus, Lean on Experienced Support: Get stuck on a personal brand decision? You’ll have access to two live, group Q&A sessions where you can get your specific questions answered.

Upon completion of the 7-step process, you'll have a curated Seeing Me Board that includes the core elements of your personal brand reflecting your unique aesthetic. And you can immediately start using this as a reference tool to ensure you are presenting yourself authentically and consistently.

Personal Brand isn’t Bragging.

It’s being intentional, aligned and authentic in how you present yourself.

Ready to unlock your unique identity and amplify your impact with a compelling personal brand?

Start your journey with the Seeing Me Method and curate the essential elements of your powerful personal brand.


“The Seeing Me Method, with Ushi, set the tone for my entire brand build. What once felt awkward or ego-centric, now feels like a natural and genuine extension of my value and leadership style.”


Riehl Consulting

““Seeing myself reflected back in rich imagery through the Seeing Me Method gave me the unique perspective I needed to align and revitalize my vision for the work I want to do in the world.”


Founder, Day Six Leadership

”By doing the Seeing Me Method, I feel clear and confident about how I want to show up. My work is opening up and I am aligned to my value. ”


Youth Minister

“Through the Seeing Me Method I found my way back to my core truth. I know my way, who I am, and how I help. Priceless.”


BadAss Moms


The most effective personal brands include five essential design elements: color, edge, context, resonance, and style.

Using a step-by-step, simple to follow process, the Seeing Me Method will educate you on why each design element is important, instruct you on how to effectively search and select corresponding visual components for each element and then guide you through placing each element on your customized Seeing Me Board, which will function as the foundation for your personal brand.

Each element in the guided
7-step method, includes:


Simple, short and actionable instructional videos from Ushi to assist you in selecting images that authentically represent your unique aesthetic and identity.


Reflection and integration handouts designed to keep you on track and deepen your discovery of your unique aesthetic and identity.


Access to Ushi’s carefully curated Pinterest image boards, offering abundant inspiration for curating your unique design elements.



The customizable Seeing Me Board template, allowing you to tailor and personalize your journey throughout the process.


A comprehensive Seeing Me Board Demo to make the technical aspects of the process easier and doable.

Group Q&A

Exclusive access to live, monthly, 60-minute group Q&A Sessions (join us for two), on the third Wednesday of each month.




Getting Started with the Seeing Me Method

In this step, you'll receive a comprehensive orientation to the Seeing Me Board creation process and its power, supporting you to maximize the benefits of this program, regardless of your design or visual capacity. You’ll be guided through selecting your personal brand "adjectives," providing a consistent thread for your authentic aesthetic, unique identity and brand design journey.


The Element
of Color

Color is the cornerstone of design and establishes the emotional and psychological foundation for your Seeing Me Board. In this step, you'll explore how to curate specific colors that reflect your authentic self and discover where to find inspiration. By identifying your signature color(s), you will establish the emotional tone of your aesthetic and begin to populate your Seeing Me Board.


The Element
of Edge

Following color, The Element of Edge, moves deeper into your unique personality and character, defining what you visually communicate to the world. This step involves experimenting with illustration styles and colors to enhance your visual influence. You'll further uncover your authentic aesthetic and unique identity as you add The Element of Edge to your Seeing Me Board.


The Element
of Context

Moving into The Element of Context, you'll elevate your visual journey by taking the two-dimensional elements of color and edge and integrating them into a three-dimensional world. This step challenges you to select contexts that resonate with you in various roles, capacities, and environments. Guided and supported through the process, you will curate contexts that are both authentic to your current self and aspirational for your future, adding a new layer of depth to your Seeing Me Board.


The Element
of Resonance

In The Element of Resonance, you'll explore how your impact is embodied by the audience most aligned with you and those you most desire to connect with. You'll select visual images reflecting this audience and define visual elements that signal your presence to them. By aligning your authentic aesthetic with your unique identity, you'll attract this audience to you as you incorporate The Element of Resonance into your Seeing Me Board.


The Element
of Style

In The Element of Style, you will integrate all the elements you’ve curated throughout the process, both literally and symbolically. This step guides you through the process of curating the style, posture, and positioning of your headshot. Acting as a tuning fork, this step aligns your selected imagery with your authentic aesthetic, unique identity, and aspirations, completing your Seeing Me Board.


The Element
of Integration

In this final step, The Element of Integration, you will see your authentic aesthetic and unique identity reflected back to you in your Seeing Me Board. This reveals the symbols, metaphors, and stories that illustrate and signal who you are and who you are becoming. You’ll experience the power of revisiting and adjusting your Seeing Me Board as you continue to evolve. Additionally, you'll identify your "now what" in relation to your Seeing Me process.

Two Enrollment Options to Select From:

One-Time Payment


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two Payments of*


*Payments are charged every 30-days using the same form of payment supplied at enrollment

Risk Free Guarantee

We’re so confident in the value the Seeing Me Method delivers that we offer a full, no questions asked, 15-day money back guarantee. Simply email concierge@ushi-ink.com within 15-days of purchase with your cancellation request and we will process your refund.


  • The Seeing Me Method is designed for anyone seeking more clarity and self-confidence in expressing their authentic aesthetic and unique identity through a visual medium. 

    If you're thinking, "But I’m not a visual person, is this for me?" The answer is yes! You don’t need to be a visual person to benefit from the Seeing Me Method. In fact, you may benefit more because you haven’t previously used a visual approach to gain clarity and confidence. If you are open to a new way of approaching something, willing to be curious, and prepared to feel a little uncomfortable, this course is for you.

  • Absolutely. The Seeing Me Method uses essential design elements—color, edge, context, resonance, and style—to help you gain clarity about your authentic aesthetic and unique identity, which is a critical first step in building a powerful personal brand. As a designer, Ushi doesn’t begin any personal branding work until the client has engaged in the Seeing Me Method. So, this is the essential first step to creating your personal brand and has supported thousands of people to present themselves authentically and share their gifts more powerfully with the world.

  • Yes! The Seeing Me Method is a foundational step towards building an authentic and powerful personal brand, but you don’t need to aim for a personal brand to gain a lot from it. The process will support you to align with your authenticity and reveal your unique aesthetic in ways that will support you to stand confidently no matter where you are or what you’re doing. The Seeing Me Method has supported thousands of people to present themselves authentically and share their gifts more powerfully with the world.

  • To get the most out of the Seeing Me Method, we recommend setting aside dedicated time to work through the materials and complete the exercises. Engaging actively with the content, reflecting on the integration prompts, and participating in the live Q&A Sessions will help deepen your understanding and application of the concepts.

  • The Seeing Me Method is designed for self-paced learning. You can take as much or as little time as you like with the materials.

    The course consists of 7-steps, all accessible upon registration in the Seeing Me Studio. You can complete the Seeing Me Method within the first 24 hours if you dive right in, or follow the steps outlined in the seven daily emails, finishing it within a week. Alternatively, you can take your time going through the materials.

    There is no time limit on accessing the course materials in the Seeing Me Studio. However, you will only have access to the live monthly, 60-minute, group Q&A Sessions with Ushi for two months after registration.

    We advise going at your own pace, while committing to finish within two months to fully benefit from the course and the opportunity to interact with Ushi.

  • Yes, you have lifetime access to the materials in the Seeing Me Studio. This means you can revisit the content and go through the process again whenever you like, which can be particularly useful as your aesthetic and identity evolve over time.

  • The primary live component is the monthly, 60-minute, groupQ&A Sessions with Ushi (you get access to two!). However, the Seeing Me Method is designed to be self-paced, with pre-recorded videos and written materials that you can access at any time. The live Q&A Sessions provide an opportunity for real-time interaction and personalized support.

  • If you miss a live Q&A Session, don’t worry. You have access to two. You will receive a reminder for the next one in the following month. If you don’t see your reminder, please contact our team at concierge@ushi-ink.com.

  • A computer with a strong connection to the internet to be able to access the Seeing Me Studio and the online platforms Pinterest and Canva (both free to use) are required to participate in the online course. 

    If you don’t currently have a personal log-in to Pinterest and to Canva, the How To Guide included with the course materials in the Seeing Me Studio will show you how to create those accounts. 

  • It will be helpful to have a journal, sketchbook, and some art supplies (markers, color pencils, crayons) for the exercises that involve drawing or painting.