

The peacock has always been more than just a logo for me; it’s a symbol of alignment, beauty, and authenticity. I’ve been drawn to symbols for as long as I can remember, long before I pursued a career in design or branding. These symbols—often appearing to me in moments of clarity or when I tune into someone's aspirations—serve as visual representations of the essence of an individual or a brand.

They feel like the Universe speaking in its own quiet language, revealing what needs to be seen.

When I thought about my own personal symbol heading into a new chapter, the peacock appeared. And really, it has been appearing since I was born—I just hadn’t yet cultivated the eyes to see.

In Eastern traditions, the peacock represents grace, renewal, and spiritual enlightenment. Its feathers are admired for their beauty, but what makes them significant is the energy they carry—fertility, prosperity, and the eye of the divine. The peacock, for me, is a reminder of the beauty that exists when we fully embrace who we are and walk in alignment with our purpose—what we came here to do.

I remember one day, walking and contemplating the need for a personal mark or symbol as I prepared to enter the next chapter of my work and life. The peacock instantly flashed in my mind, and later that day, as I was taking a walk, I saw an oil slick on the wet ground that shimmered in all the vibrant hues and shapes of a peacock's feather.

This wasn’t a coincidence; it was a synchronicity, an undeniable signal of direction. This is how symbols speak to us—through subtle moments and signs that reveal deeper truths.

The peacock perfectly captures the essence of what I intend to create for others through my work and the design-led method I facilitate.

At Ushi Ink, I don’t just design logos or brands. I help people find their signature mark—the visual representation of who they are and the legacy they want to leave. These symbols serve as a North Star, acting as a magnet to draw in the right people, opportunities, and experiences.

An authentic, aligned visual identity is powerful.

It resonates on multiple levels—both outwardly, as a signal to the world, and inwardly, as a reflection of your unique value and own sense of direction and purpose.

When we can see ourselves clearly, when we create something that embodies the authentic self we’re embracing, that’s when we truly start to make our mark. It’s why I’m passionate about helping others find their own symbol, their own peacock, to not only showcase their beauty and uniqueness but to remind them of and activate who they are becoming.

This is the heart of Ushi Ink. The tools, methods, and visuals we use aren’t just creative exercises—they are pathways to alignment, clarity, and authentic success.

They empower people to discover and embody their signature mark so they can make their mark in the world, confidently and authentically.