Bring Your
Beautiful to Life

By Ushi Patel

History tells us after every age of darkness, a renaissance stirs.

Today, it is indeed dark.

Yet on the horizon, there are murmurs of a rebirth.

Millions are waking up to their work in the world – recognizing it is born out of their personal transformation, inspired by the wisdom and insight gained from their embrace of dark and light. As we know, masterpieces can only be crafted with contrast.

By sheer numbers, people are jumping off the hamster wheel, quitting the rat race to shepherd in a new economic model for their lives.

They want a livelihood based on true value delivered versus time put in. Time no longer equals money. It is far more precious.

They are no longer willing to sacrifice for a corporate priority or socially conditioned idea of success. They don’t want an identity based on the myth that working themselves to the bone will one day result in happiness and security.

They want plenty of moments with loved ones and their mental and physical wellness.

Out of gratitude and deep appreciation for the adventure of life, however fraught with difficulty it may have been, they want to benefit the world, to give and wholeheartedly contribute towards this emerging, worldwide renaissance.

They want their time to matter.

Above all else, they trust the stirring in their heart.

I see it each day and it is happening in every manner of context: the teacher who overcame dyslexia and is now reimagining the classroom; the cancer-survivor who is now leading the way in cancer-fighting nutrition; the beekeeper who teaches peace of mind and true collaboration through her craft; the physician who is quelling the opioid crisis; and the billionaire architecting a new financial system that can assure prosperity for all.

If you are here, you are one of these people.

As you create or reinvent your model and identity, here’s my invitation to you.

Bring Your
Beautiful to Life.

It’s a well-known fact. You have less than 2.7 seconds to make an impression.

People see and feel before they listen or read.

Beautiful design gives your audience the immediate, intuitive recognition that they’re in the right place and the trust that they’re in good hands. 

Beautiful design moves the heart and puts the mind at ease. It forms an emotional bond with the people you serve that lasts well beyond the initial meeting. It plants a seed that germinates and grows into a lifelong relationship. It creates resonance—your value and presence vibrates in congruence with the aspirations of the people you serve and the positive future you are all working towards.

In an era of burgeoning tech and AI (artificial intelligence) that unchecked appears to be churning a sea of sameness, the revelation beautiful design brings sets you apart—it leverages tech in your favor, puts the you in AI.

In a market where most conventional business and brand methods tell you to pretend to be something you are not to make the sale, beautiful design cuts through the noise. In a world of uncertainty and fear-based communications, beautiful design calms the nerves and soothes the psyche.

Beautiful design also gives you a reflection and remembrance of the beauty of who you are and what you do. You stand taller, you burn bright. Your remember your reason for being and your presence becomes a signal of possibility.

That’s why beautiful design is the North Star.

So, let’s step into the light and bring beauty to billions, as we catalyze this new time, this modern-day renaissance.